
Watch True Blood: Season 3, Episode 12

True Blood

Evil is Going On

Sookie gives careful consideration to a life without vampires of any kind. While secretly planning a perfect payback for Russell, Eric deals with his feelings of right and wrong. Tommy's latest overstepping boundaries leaves Sam in a rage. A new vocation is in store for Jason after he warns Crystal's family about a potential drug raid. Jesus has something more to offer than just an interpersonal relationship when Lafayette comes to him for help. Hoyt ignores his mother and entertains plans for a future with Jessica.
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Watch True Blood: Season 3, Episode 11

True Blood

Fresh Blood

Bill wants to earn back Sookie's trust but once again brings her close to danger. Eric tempts Russell with the "ultimate vampire dream". Jason tries to comprehend what he's learned about Crystal. Sam alienates everyone but Tara. Jessica and Hoyt take their romance up a notch. Lafayette struggles with new demons.
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Watch True Blood: Season 3, Episode 10

True Blood

"I Smell a Rat"

Sookie gets a dire warning from Bill, and she learns that she is part fairy; Sam's emotional outburst takes him on an unpleasant trip down memory lane, and it is revealed that he worked as a jewel thief in 2003, killing two people (including his lover, who was actually conning him); Arlene asks Holly for help with her pregnency after revealing the truth that Rene is the baby's father to Terry; Jessica faces a romantic conundrum, and ultimately saves Hoyt from being killed by Tommy; Russell vows revenge on his foes; Jesus changes his opinion of a certain mind-altering substance, and he and Lafayette do V together. While in their drug-induced dream world, they discover that Jesus' grandfather was a dangerous man who dabbled in dark magic. Jason and Tara share a kiss, and Jason learns that Crystal is a were-panther. Sookie and Eric also kiss, but Eric ends up locking Sookie in the dungeon beneath Fangtasia.
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Watch True Blood: Season 3, Episode 9

"Everything Is Broken"

The Vampire Rights Amendment is close to being ratified so Nan confronts Eric at Fangtasia about the whereabouts of the Magister. Russell vows revenge against all his vampire and human adversaries. Bill discovers the truth about Sookie's true identity. Unexpected help arrives as Jason goes up against Felton and Calvin. Arlene is overcome by a sense of futility about her future while Tara meets up with a new ally and with someone who caused her pain in the past. Sookie meets a new family member. Hoyt addresses his real feelings head on.
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Watch True Blood: Season 3, Episode 8

"Night on the Sun"

While Sookie must rethink her relationship with Bill, he reconciles with Jessica. As Russell decides what he's going to do next, Sophie-Anne relocates her residence. Jason offers a challenge to save Crystal while Ruby Jean pays Lafayette a surprise visit. A new waitress starts at Merlotte's. Eric's allegiance to Russell is proven. Alcide's family emergency puts Sookie in a vulnerable position.
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Watch True Blood: Season 3, Episode 7

"Hitting the Ground"

Bill helps Sookie kill Lorena after she attacks Sookie. Alcide and Tara attempt to help Sookie get Bill to safety. Debbie tries to thwart their plans, however, Tara concocts a plan in Sookie's head to get the upper hand. Alcide kills Cooter, causing Debbie to vow vengeance on Alcide. Sookie tries to let Bill feed on her but he ends up attacking her, putting her in a coma. Sam rescues Tommy from the dog fighting, causing Tommy to leave Melinda and Joe Lee. Jason attempts to learn more about Crystal through her cousin. While in a coma, Sookie meets Claudine. Eric, Russell and Sophie-Anne go to Fangtasia to rescue Pam. Learning that Sookie does not have a blood type, Bill uses his blood to save Sookie and get her out of her coma. Russell also forces the Magister to marry him and Sophie-Anne. After they get married, Russell kills the Magister
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Watch True Blood: Season 3, Episode 6

"I Got a Right to Sing the Blues"

Russell and his bodyguards bring Sookie and Bill to his mansion where Bill kills one of the bodyguards and tries to kill Russell. He then sends Bill to the slave room where he orders Lorena to kill him. Eric refuses to help Bill when asked by Sookie and refutes her claims of her meaning anything to him. Russell tries to learn what Sookie really is. Sookie begs Russell not to kill Bill. Jason attempts to woo Crystal at her house but ends up heartbroken. Sam is trying to find out the Mickens' true intentions with Tommy. Lafayette and Jesus begin to get closer to one another. Arlene continues to be irked by Jessica. Eric accompanies Russell to Sophie-Anne's mansion where he blackmails her into accepting his proposal. Eric renounces his loyalty to the Queen Sophie-Anne and pledges his loyalty to the King of Mississippi. Tara learns that Sookie is at the mansion and concocts a plan to escape. Lorena is torn when she is ordered to kill Bill. Coot and Debbie go into the slave room and feed from Bill. Melinda tells Tommy that Sam cannot be trusted and never will be family. Sookie tries to save Bill but Lorena thwarts her plan and attempts to kill Sookie.
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Watch True Blood: Season 3, Episode 5


Eric arrives at the King of Mississippi Mansion and tells him that he is looking for Bill, who has been selling vampire blood, however, the King catches Eric in his lie as Bill shows up and Eric has to admit that the Magister is holding Pam prisoner and is going to kill her unless he turns in Bill Compton. Tara tries to escape but is forced to return because Coot got a hold of her. Franklin Mott tells her that he will make her his vampire bride. Bill goes to Alcide's apartment in order to tell Sookie to leave but the King arrives and thwarts his plan. Russell orders Coot to grab Sookie, however, Sookie protects herself with her new power, much to the amazement of Russell, Bill, and Alcide. Eric realizes that Russell is the one who ordered the killing of his family in order to get the crown.
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Watch True Blood: Season 3, Episode 4

"9 Crimes"

Sookie joins Alcide at a raucous engagement party for his former fiancee, Debbie Pelt. Bill "procures" dinner for Russell and Lorena. Sam brokers a deal with Tommy and his parents. Andy gets a promotion and draws Jason's attention. Arlene is irked by Jessica's arrival at Merlotte's. Eric is given a deadline to locate Bill. Franklin takes Tara on a road trip.
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Watch True Blood: Season 3, Episode 3

"It Hurts Me Too"

Searching for Bill, Sookie heads to Jackson, Mississippi in the company of Alcide, a werewolf bodyguard assigned by Eric to protect her. Jason is distracted from his police exams; Bud reaches the end of his rope; Arlene copes with unexpected news. Franklin charms Tara, and gets Jessica out of a jam. Eric bequeaths a gift to Lafayette. Hoyt still has true feelings for Jessica, despite Jessica breaking up with him. Haunted by visions from his past, Bill makes a surprising pledge of allegiance.
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Watch True Blood: Season 3, Episode 2

"Beautifully Broken"

Sam Merlotte gets to know his shifter birth family in Arkansas. Bill is an unwilling guest at the home of the King of Mississippi, who has ambitions to take over Louisiana. Jessica seeks advice from Pam on feeding off humans and on the disposal of bodies. Lafayette and Tara visit Lafayette's mother in a psychiatric institution. Eric arrives at Sookie's home to protect her from werewolves.
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Watch True Blood: Season 3, Episode 1

"Bad Blood"

Sookie enlists the help of Eric in her search for the missing Bill. Sam begins his search for his birth parents. Tara falls into despair following Eggs's death and attempts suicide. Lafayette invites Tara's mother to help watch over her while Jason and Andy work to cover up the truth regarding their role in Eggs's death. Jessica attempts to take back what she has done. Eric is paid a surprise visit by the Vampire Queen. Bill frees himself from his captors but finds himself a long way from Bon Temps in Mississippi and in unfriendly territory.
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Watch True Blood: Season 2, Episode 12

"Beyond Here Lies Nothin'"

Maryann has decided to appoint Sookie as the "Maid of Honor" at her sacrificial ritual, much to Sookie's disgust. Maryann asks Sookie to repeat her "electric" touch, but Sookie fails to do so. She is restrained by an entranced Lafayette. Jason and Andy Bellefleur try to advance on the crowd with an arsenal of weaponry, only to become quickly entranced themselves. During Eric's meeting with Sophie-Ann it is revealed that she's the one who ordered him to have Lafayette start dealing V again. She does not like the fact that Bill knows what Northman is doing, but Eric promises to take care of him before he can figure out that Sophie-Ann is in fact behind it all. Bill finds Sam at Merlotte's and orders him to come with him to see Maryann. Bill offers Sam to Maryann in exchange for Sookie's safety. Sookie strongly objects to this, but Bill asks her to trust him. Eggs stabs Sam and offers some of his blood to Maryann, who rubs the blood on her body. Sam has not died, however, and tells Sookie to destroy all of Maryann's ritual offerings, which Sookie does. This angers Maryann who pursues Sookie with her poisonous claws, but she is stopped by a bull who she believes to be the God Who Comes. Offering herself to the "God", the bull stabs her in the chest with its horns, and as Maryann starts to die, the bull transforms back to Sam, who finishes the job by removing Maryann's heart. Bill reveals to Sookie that he allowed Sam to drink his blood so he could recover after being stabbed. Bill also thanks Sam for his trust and for helping save the town of Bon Temps. Hoyt learns that his mom was not lying about his dad having committed suicide. Deeply disturbed by this, he walks out on her again to go find Jessica. When he arrives at Bill's house, nobody is there. Jessica, after telling Bill she is going to apologize to Hoyt, instead goes to a gas station and feeds on an unsuspecting truck driver. Sam goes to visit his adopted parents. His adopted mother cries and still can't accept that Sam is a shapeshifter, while his adopted father who appears deathly ill writes a response to Sam's request; to know who his real parents were, despite his step mother's warnings that they were bad people. Eggs is deeply disturbed by the recent happenings and begs Sookie to help him uncover his actions during his blackouts. With her help he learns that he was the one who murdered Miss Jeanette, Daphne and was also the one who stabbed Sam. Incredibly distraught over the things he'd done with Maryann, he holds Andy Bellefleur at knife-point begging to be arrested. Andy tries to explain that all of his actions were not of his own free will, but Jason, seeing the hold-up from afar, does not realize what is happening and shoots Eggs. Jason is afraid after realizing he killed Eggs, but Andy takes his gun, wipes it off and tells Jason to leave and that "he was not here and he didn't see anything." Tara arrives along with many others to see Eggs shot and dead, and she breaks down in tears. Bill takes Sookie out to a French restaurant and proposes to her. Sookie is initially confused and afraid because of all of the recent happenings in her life. Excusing herself to the bathroom, she takes a moment to recompose herself and decides that she does want to marry Bill. However, Bill is captured with a silver chain and kidnapped. When she returns, she finds that Bill is gone and the place is in disarray.
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Watch True Blood: Season 2, Episode 11


Bill walks in on Sophie-Ann, the Vampire Queen of Louisiana, feeding from the femoral artery of a young girl. Bill asks her advice on how to defeat Maryann, but Sophie-Ann makes Bill reluctantly spend the entire day lounging with her and playing Yahtzee before she will tell him what she knows. She eventually reveals to Bill that Maryann is waiting for her God to come and bring her “true death” and that she can be killed only when she believes her god has come for her. Bill departs for Bon Temps, running into Eric on the way out. He threatens to reveal to Sophie-Ann that Eric is making Lafayette sell vampire blood unless he stays away from Sookie. Hoyt takes his mother Maxine away from Jessica after seeing her more violent side, and says he should have listened to Bill’s warnings about her. Jessica, heartbroken, screams in rage and hurt. Tara proves difficult for Sookie, Lafayette and Lettie Mae to handle, as she insists on going after Eggs. Tara manages to convince her mother that God wants her to let her go, and Lettie Mae holds Sookie and Lafayette at gunpoint while Tara makes her getaway. Sookie and Lafayette manage to liberate themselves from Lettie Mae and go after Tara, who goes to Sookie’s house and finds Eggs in the kitchen. Tara shows Maryann that she can no longer be convinced through words and also that she refuses to let herself be influenced by Maryann's "vibrating" energy, so Maryann resorts to slapping her across the face which has the effect of once again putting Tara under her influence. Sam finds Coby and Lisa Fowler – Arlene’s young children – wandering around the woods hiding from their mother and the rest of the townspeople. Sam takes them in and feeds them lunch, as they tell him they have not eaten in a couple of days. Jason and Andy, meanwhile, decide to take action against Maryann and, ignoring Sam’s advice that Maryann cannot be stopped with violence, they go to the police station to arm themselves. All of the staff at the police department are under Maryann's influence and behave obnoxiously and dangerously, but Andy and Jason still manage to arm themselves with plenty of guns and ammo. Jason and Andy put aside their differences and decide to work together to defeat Maryann. Sam takes the kids to Fangtasia and reluctantly asks Eric for help, and the Viking vampire agrees to ask Sophie-Ann’s advice about stopping Maryann. The townspeople tell Maryann that the god came and smote Sam, but Maryann deduces that the mob has been tricked by Sam’s shape-shifting and angrily orders them out. Hoyt tries to deal with Maxine on his own, but she continues to insult him and even reveals that his father killed himself because he was weak, and that he was not shot by burglars as Hoyt believed. Sookie and Lafayette arrive at her house and, while Lafayette distracts Terry and Arlene with drugs, Sookie sneaks inside. After a brief and disturbing encounter with Mike Spencer, she makes her way upstairs. Lafayette runs into Maryann and Carl. He attempts to shoot Maryann, however she effortlessly deflects the bullet into Carl who dies as a result. Sookie finds Tara and Eggs in her Gran’s old room, building a large nest on the bed in which sits a large, unhatched egg. Sookie screams for help as Lafayette, now also under Maryann's influence, advances on her.
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Watch True Blood: Season 2, Episode 10

"New World in My View"

Sookie consoles Eric for the loss of Godric, which leads to the two becoming intimate. This turns out to be a dream which is the result of her having drank Eric's blood. Sookie, Bill and Jason return to Bon Temps to find the town in chaos. They return to Bill's house to find Hoyt and Jessica tending to Maxine, who is under the effects of Maryann's power. Sam is hiding out with Andy Bellefleur, but he is tricked into coming to Merlotte's via a desperate call from Arlene. Once there, the townsfolk trap both of them in the walk-in fridge. Jason arrives at Merlotte's armed with power tools, and convinces all the citizens to leave by threatening to take Arlene hostage and shoot a nail-gun into her head. Jason goes to help Sam, but the townsfolk quickly recognize his deception and return to try to recapture Sam. Jason, wearing a gas mask, pretends to be the God Who Comes, while Andy holds up a tree branch to give him the appearance that he has horns. He pretends to smite Sam (who turns into a fly – seemingly vanishing). This seems to satisfy everyone and they all leave Merlotte's. Sam re-appears, and Jason and Andy are stunned at what happened. Meanwhile, Bill and Sookie go to Sookie's house to find Maryann, who attacks Sookie. Sookie learns that Maryann is the creature who attacked her in the woods. Bill attempts to bite Maryann but finds her blood is toxic to him. Maryann seems intrigued with Sookie, who puts her hand off to push Maryann away, and finds that a burst of light shines from her hand, knocking Maryann backwards. Sookie and Bill flee while Maryann gleefully ponders what Sookie is. They go to Lafayette's and see Tara is still under Maryanne's spell. Together, Bill and Sookie use a combination of his glamour and her telepathy to break the spell over Tara. Tara expresses her desire to go rescue Eggs but her family prevents her from leaving. Bill recalls reading about Maenads and their worshipping of the God Dionysis many years ago and understands that Maryann is one. He goes to seek the vampire Queen of Louisiana, the one person who might know how to destroy Maryann, but when he arrives he finds a bloody foot dangling from the throne. Meanwhile, Maxine continues to insult both Jessica and Hoyt, until Jessica's anger gets the better of her and she begins to feed on Maxine.
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Watch True Blood: Season 2, Episode 9

"I Will Rise Up"

Eric, wounded in the explosion protecting Sookie, convinces her he can't heal himself with silver lodged in his body. Sookie sucks out the bullets, ingesting some of his blood. Bill reveals that Eric will now be able to sense her and she may become attracted to Eric sexually. Back in Bon Temps, Hoyt tells Jessica he wants her to meet his mother. Tara and Eggs awake badly-bruised and discuss blacking out again the night before. Maryann tells them the importance of losing control and the necessity for chaos to be closer to their god. Back in Dallas, Sookie heads to Jason's room where they find the Reverend Newlin and his wife on television, bickering with Nan Flanagan (leader of the AVL). The Newlins reveal that Godric volunteered to be taken by the Fellowship of the Sun. Sookie and Jason end up bonding over being the only remaining members of their family. Eggs and Tara go to Merlotte's and Lafayette accuses Eggs of causing Tara's bruises. A fight ensues between Lafayette and Eggs. Hoyt argues with his mother over what a hateful person she is and tells her she's going to meet Jessica. Sookie begins dreaming of Eric and exchanging sweet conversation while in the background Lorena is saying Sookie no longer cares for Bill. At the end of the dream Eric whispers, "This is the beginning". Maryann arrives at the jail looking for Sam but he shifts into a fly and escapes. Jessica meets Hoyt's mother who belittles her causing Hoyt to tell his mother he won't be coming home, ever. Later, Lafayette and Lettie Mae show up at Sookie's house to find Eggs, Tara and Maryann. Lettie Mae pleads for Tara to come with her. Tara eyes turn black and begins attacking her mother. Lafayette quickly grabs Tara and he and Lettie Mae take her away from Maryann. Sam, as a fly in Sookie's house, witnesses all of this. In Dallas, Eric and the vampires defend their actions to Nan Flanagan who berates Godric and fires him from his Sheriff position. Eric grows irritated with Nan's demeanor and pleads with Godric to fight against the bureaucracy. Godric agrees to the demotion and apologizes to everyone swearing to "make amends." Eric, visibly upset, is approached by Bill stating that "they have a score to settle". Bill punches Eric in the mouth, which Eric shrugs off and goes to meet Godric. Sam arrives at Detective Bellefleur's door naked. Sookie tells Bill she must go and help Godric. On the roof as Sookie watches, Eric breaks down and begs Godric not to go; first in English, then in Swedish. Godric tells Eric he is ready to go and commands Eric, to leave the roof. Sookie promises Eric she will stay with Godric for "as long as it takes". Godric dies while Sookie watches in tears.
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Watch True Blood: Season 2, Episode 8


Under Godric's orders, Eric and Sookie struggle to leave the Fellowship compound without bloodshed, but they are surrounded by Steve Newlin and his followers. At the Carmilla hotel Bill escapes from Lorena and orders the amorous Jessica and Hoyt back to Bon Temps. Jason overpowers Sarah Newlin and along with Bill he creates a stalemate with Newlin's mob. The mob is overwhelmed by Stan and the Dallas vampires, but Godric appears and orders a peaceful end to the conflict. Meanwhile in Bon Temps, Sam Merlotte is lured to his bar to find Daphne murdered. The police arrive and jail him with Maryann's revelers despite Andy Bellefleur's outlandish corroboration. At Sookie's house Maryann feeds Tara and Eggs a meal made from Daphne's heart, which drives the couple into a violent and sexual frenzy. After they arrive at the Compton manor Jessica and Hoyt's lovemaking is interrupted by the realization that Jessica's hymen has regenerated to its virginal state. At Godric's Dallas nest the vampires and Stackhouses recover from the conflict with the Fellowship of the Sun. Godric shares his nonviolent ideals with Eric and banishes Hugo out of mercy and Lorena out of contempt. A mysterious intruder is revealed to be Luke, who has a suicide bomb wrapped in silver chains and bullets. He pushes the detonator.
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Watch True Blood: Season 2, Episode 7

"Release Me"

Still drunk, Andy chases the pig through the woods and stumbles upon Maryann’s orgy. He fires his pistol, partially breaking the trance Maryann has induced, giving Sam the opportunity to escape. Andy breaks up the orgy and his arm is broken by Terry, who is still under Maryann’s influence. In the basement of the L.O.D.I, Sookie realizes someone must have tipped off the Fellowship about their mission. While at the hotel, Lorena will still not allow Bill to go to Sookie’s rescue. Flashbacks show Bill tired of killing innocents, and he asks to be released from Lorena. She reluctantly complies after he threatens to stake himself. Outside the church, Eric asks Isabel what she likes about being with a human. She says it is because their mortality makes everything exciting, but it is a sort of "science experiment" to see Hugo age. Isabel accuses Eric of coveting Sookie, which he denies. Jason convinces Sarah not to tell her husband about their affair and she agrees to wait. Hoyt and Jessica decide to be each other's first time. Stan confronts Eric about not dealing with the Fellowship more directly, and Eric accuses him of murdering Godric to claim his place as Sheriff. The next morning, Tara and Eggs wake up on Sookie’s couch and neither can remember how they got there. As Steve and Gabe interrogate Sookie, a claustrophobic Hugo desperately reveals that her last name is Stackhouse. Deciding that Jason must be a vampire sympathizer, Steve tells Gabe to take care of it, but Jason manages to overpower him. Later, Sookie reads a weakened Hugo's mind and discovers he is the traitor. Sam confronts Daphne and she explains to him that Maryann is a Maenad, an immortal creature from ancient Greece that is a follower of Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and revelry. They have immense power and Daphne likens her to both God and Satan. Church goers arrive at the Light of Day church for a “lock in”. Arlene admits that she blacked out too, which causes Tara to become suspicious of Maryann. Andy tries to confront Terry at Merlotte's, raving about "devil-worshipers" and "devil-zombies" who turned Bon Temps into an "orgy from hell", but Sam is the only one who knows he is telling the truth. At the hotel Hoyt and Jessica consummate their love. As Jason is fleeing the L.O.D.I through the woods, Sarah shows up and shoots him with an unknown weapon. At the stream, Maryann thanks Daphne for her services, then makes Eggs kill her. Sookie reaches out to Barry telepathically and he shows up at the hotel with her message. Eric overhears and races for the church. Gabe bursts into the basement, beats up Hugo and attempts to rape Sookie, but at the last second he is pulled off by none other than Godric.
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Watch True Blood: Season 2, Episode 6

"Hard-Hearted Hannah"

Godric’s minion, Isabel, drops in on Bill and Sookie with her human boyfriend, Hugo. He and Sookie prepare to infiltrate the Fellowship of the Sun. Eric, meanwhile, has summoned Lorena to the hotel in order to drive Bill and Sookie apart and, while there, Lorena ruminates on her and Bill’s violent past together. Sam and Daphne continue to grow closer, both physically and emotionally. During one of Maryann's errands, Eggs senses something familiar about the environment, and leads himself and Tara to a remote spot in the woods. The two suspect that something bad has happened there. Hoyt tells his mother that his girlfriend is a vampire. Andy interrogates Lafayette about his disappearance and threatens to lock him up. Lafayette then has horrible flashbacks of being locked up and collapses into a ball. He is comforted by Andy’s cousin Terry. Luke and Jason are summoned to the Fellowship Church to build a crucifix platform for a ceremony called “meet the sun”, in which a vampire will be tied to the cross just before dawn and left to burn in the sun. While talking with Luke, Jason somewhat hesitantly decides to practice abstinence. Sookie and Hugo are greeted at the church by Sarah, who introduces them to Steve; it doesn't take Sookie long to find out that the Newlins have a vampire locked in the basement. After meeting Gabe, the drill instructor, Sookie reads Steve’s thoughts and finds out that someone has tipped off the Fellowship about their mission; both Sookie and Hugo are captured and dragged into the basement, with a teary-eyed Sarah watching on helplessly. Pam visits Lafayette and orders him to start dealing V again. Sam and Daphne go on a shape-shifting run together, with Daphne shifting into a pig. They are chased by Andy, who thinks he recognizes the pig from one of Maryann’s parties. Lorena drops in on Bill who tries to resist her, sensing Sookie is in grave danger, but Lorena, also knowing that Sookie is in danger, overpowers him. Hoyt drives all the way to Dallas to visit Jessica. Tara and Eggs return to Sookie’s house, where following a trail of clothes they find some of the townspeople taking part in an orgy organized by Maryann. Tara witnesses Maryann in her blurry supernatural state. At the church, Sarah turns to Jason for help, saying that they were meant to be together. Jason tries to resist, but she convinces him that it's God's will and they end up having sex on the balcony. Daphne tries to lead Sam towards the orgy, but he is hesitant about the drum music. Two people jump out of the woods and grab Sam, dragging him to the orgy, where he sees the ritual (which now includes Tara and Eggs, also in trance-induced sex) taking place. Daphne helps Maryann into a bull’s head mask and Carl approaches with a sacrificial knife. Sam lets out a blood-curdling scream for help that ends the episode.
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Watch True Blood: Season 2, Episode 5

"Never Let Me Go"

Tara's birthday party is still in full swing as Sam follows Daphne out into the woods, where she reveals to him that she is a shapeshifter too. They start to make out, but are interrupted by Terry and Arlene and Daphne wanders off. In Dallas, Sookie chases Barry and he tells her that if any of the Dallas vampires find out about his abilities, it would mean serious trouble for both of them. After Bill reprimands her for ordering a young man off of the Carmilla Hotel menu, Jessica calls Hoyt and the two share a conversation about comic books. At the Light of Day Institute, Jason and the others are put through an intensive training course by Sarah and a very demanding drill instructor. When Luke has trouble completing one of the exercises, Jason helps him out and is commended for being a real soldier of God. Meanwhile, Sookie tries to connect with Barry one more time and learns that he is ashamed of his abilities and cannot control his telepathy the way she can. Even though she offers to teach him, Barry tells her to leave him alone. Maryann continues to stir up trouble in Bon Temps after trying to move into Sookie’s house with Tara, who rebuffs her. She casts her spell upon the patrons of Merlotte’s, turning them all against Tara and making her feel isolated and alone. Eventually, Tara invites Maryann to live at Sookie’s house with her. In Dallas, the Louisiana gang come a step closer to solving the mystery of Godric’s disappearance when Sookie offers to infiltrate the Fellowship of the Sun by posing as a convert in order to see if they are the ones holding Godric. Bill disapproves of the plan and, after asking Eric why he is so invested in finding Godric, Eric reveals that centuries ago Godric saved him from death by turning him into a vampire and becoming Eric’s maker. After walking in on Steve and Sarah having an argument, Steve shows Jason the seriousness of their mission in the form of a bunker full of serious weapons. Sarah later approaches Jason in the bath tub and “rewards” him for his hard work by giving him a handjob. Lafayette is given his job back as the Merlotte's cook, Sam and Daphne have sex and Sookie is sad to learn that Barry has quit his job and Bill tries to comfort her. As they start to make love, a woman appears in the hallway outside their room. It is Bill's maker, Lorena.
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Watch True Blood: Season 2, Episode 4

"Shake and Fingerpop"

Bill throws Hoyt out of his house, much to Jessica’s dismay. She storms off and Sookie invites Jessica to accompany them to Dallas. Bill reluctantly agrees. Tara agrees to move into Sookie’s house and Maryann appears supportive. Jason becomes the victim of a cruel practical joke but winds up having the last laugh when he is invited to stay with the Newlins in their lavish mansion. The attraction between Sarah and Jason becomes more intense and Steve offers him a position in the Soldiers of the Sun – Steve’s “elite spiritual army.” It is revealed that Miss Jeanette, the woman found in Andy Bellefleur’s car, was murdered by the same creature that attacked Sookie. Sookie arrives in Dallas with Bill and Jessica. A limousine driver attempts to abduct her, but Bill manages to prevent the kidnapping and learns, after glamoring the abductor, that he was sent by the Fellowship of the Sun. Meanwhile a traumatized Lafayette is paid a visit by Eric, who offers him some of his blood to heal. Lafayette suspiciously drinks Eric’s blood to heal his leg. Sookie, Bill and Jessica arrive at the lavish Hotel Carmilla, which caters specifically to vampires. Back in Bon Temps, Tara spends her birthday alone until Maryann shows up with Eggs to throw her a surprise party. Sam shows up with a gift to Tara from her mother and connects with Daphne, who reveals to Sam that she “knows what he is”. Maryann throws Lettie Mae’s gift for Tara away. As the party grows more and more wild, Maryann performs an incantation which fills the entire party with an intense sexual energy. Maryann turns into the beast once again and Tara and Eggs have sex. Bill and Eric meet and discuss the missing vampire sheriff Godric and what this means for their safety. Sookie encounters a bellhop named Barry, who is also able to read minds.
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Watch True Blood: Season 2, Episode 3


After glamouring Jessica’s family and beginning the drive back to Bon Temps, Bill and Sookie argue fiercely about the night’s events and Sookie storms out of the car. As she walks off, she is viciously attacked and poisoned by a mysterious creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man. Bill rushes to Eric for help and with the assistance of a goblin woman named Dr. Ludwig, Sookie is saved. At the Light of Day camp, Jason confesses his true feelings about vampires and bonds further with Sarah Newlin when he lets out some of his grief over his Gran and Amy’s deaths. She reveals to him that she used to be a vampire sympathizer but now suspects they murdered her sister. At Merlotte’s, Jessica and Hoyt take a special interest in one another, Sam warns Tara to stay away from Maryann and later, after snapping at Daphne, decides to take off for a while. At Fangtasia, Sookie takes Bill’s blood to heal and then discovers that Lafayette has been held in the basement. She manages to arrange his freedom in exchange for helping locate the missing vampire Godric in Dallas. Tara and Eggs' relationship hits a rough patch at one of Maryann’s parties when the guests become strangely sexual with one another, including Eggs and another girl. Lafayette returns home and cries, Bill and Sookie walk in on Jessica and Hoyt making out and Sam and Daphne make peace with one another. The episode ends with the revelation that Daphne appears to have been attacked by the same creature that poisoned Sookie.
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Watch True Blood: Season 2, Episode 2

"Keep This Party Going"

After making up with Bill, Sookie suggests that he take it a little easier on Jessica as she is just a teenager. Bill tries to convince Sookie that a vampire as new as she is not capable of controlling her impulses and that she could be dangerous. En route to the Light of Day Leadership conference Jason becomes fast-friends with an anti-vampire zealot named Luke, but after Jason makes a good impression on Steve Newlin, and Sarah Newlin in particular, Luke’s good-natured friendship turns to bitter jealousy and he tells Jason that he doesn’t belong there. Eric approaches Bill and demands that he and Sookie help in finding a vampire sheriff named Godric, who has gone missing in Dallas. Meanwhile, Tara finds out more about Eggs' past as a criminal and he makes it clear that he is interested in her. After a failed attempt to escape from the basement of Fangtasia, Lafayette is badly injured and asks Eric, Pam and Chow to turn him into a vampire. Fangs bared, they ferociously bite him. Jessica realizes she misses her family after her parents, who think she has just gone missing, appear on TV. She asks Sookie to take her to see her family and Sookie agrees, on the condition that Jessica stay in the car. Although she agrees, Jessica eventually ignores Sookie and drops in on her old family. When her father comes home, he angrily accuses her of putting the family through hell, and even though Sookie tries to stop her, Jessica attacks her father and threatens to kill him for all the times he beat her. But Bill shows up and glamours his way into the house just in time. The episode ends on an ominous note, with Bill throwing Sookie out of the house barking at her that he has to "clean up her mess".
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Watch True Blood: Season 2, Episode 1

"Nothing But the Blood"

The shocking and brutal murder of Miss Jeanette – Tara’s fake exorcist – has the entire town of Bon Temps reeling, and Tara is reluctant to tell the police she knew the deceased for fear that her ex-alcoholic mother will find out about Miss Jeanette’s deception and relapse. She eventually comes forward and is interrogated and her worst fears are realized when her mother, Lettie Mae, shows up at the police station and is told everything. Tara is eventually released and Maryann has some harsh words for Lettie Mae when she arrives to give Tara a ride. Meanwhile, Lafayette has been kidnapped and is being held with others – including Royce, one of the rednecks who earlier burned three vampires to death – in a basement somewhere. Sookie and Bill’s relationship is put to the test with Bill’s newly made vampire charge Jessica’s impatient ways, even when Sookie attempts to bond with her. Jason impresses Steve and Sarah Newlin, the leaders of the Fellowship of the Sun anti-vampire church, at a luncheon and he is offered a place at a leadership retreat, where he will learn to serve God. Sam is troubled by the presence of Maryann and reminisces about their sexual encounter when he was seventeen and stole one hundred thousand dollars from her. He also takes on another young waitress, Daphne. Tara becomes closer with Eggs, Sookie and Bill are put on even rockier ground when she discovers that he murdered her sexually abusive Uncle Bartlett. He tells her that he did it because he loves her too much to let him get away with what he did to her. Sookie forgives him and the two passionately make love. It is revealed that Eric is the one keeping Lafayette captive and the episode ends with Royce trying to escape and Eric feeding on and tearing him apart, spraying Lafayette with blood.
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Watch True Blood: Season 1, Episode 12

"You'll Be the Death of Me"

Sookie explains to Jason that she believes she has found the identity of the killer who has been murdering the women in Bon Temps, but Jason has her dismissed from the jail, refusing to listen to her. Maryann continues to comfort Tara and talks with her about her problems, gaining her trust. A representative of the Fellowship of the Sun named Orry visits Jason in prison and gives him some literature about the Fellowship, and tries to convince Jason that even if he did kill the women, his motive was pure because they were all supporters of vampires. Tara meets Benedict "Eggs" Talley, another person who Maryann has taken in under the pretense of helping him rebuild his life. The two of them begin to become interested in each other. Sookie, working at Merlotte's, becomes overwhelmed with the insulting and hateful thoughts all of the townsfolk are thinking about her brother and asks Sam for permission to leave. She finds she is unable to start her car, and as she gets angrier Rene shows up and offers her a ride home. Sam finds Rene's vest and, smelling it, realizes there may be a connection to Rene and the murders. At Sookie's house, Sookie discovers that Rene was the killer by reading his mind and tries to shoot him, but Rene has emptied her gun. She runs into the cemetery with Rene following behind. Bill risks his life by emerging into the sun to try to go to Sookie's aid, but he is quickly weakened and seriously injured by the burning. Sam appears and, in the form of a dog, bites Rene to distract him. Sookie attacks Rene with a shovel, ending in his decapitation. Sam and Sookie discover Bill, weak and burning, and quickly bury him. Later, Sookie is comforted by her friends and by Jason who has been released from prison following the discovery of the real murderer. Bill appears at her doorstep, completely healed, and the two share a tender moment. At Merlotte's, Andy Bellefleur is upset and depressed after his failure to solve the case, and begins drinking. While cleaning outside, Lafayette is attacked by an unknown entity. Afterwards, the Merlotte's staff help Andy to his car, which he believes has been moved, and they discover a dead body on the back seat.
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Watch True Blood: Season 1, Episode 11

"To Love is to Bury"

As part of the vampire ritual, Bill buries himself in the ground with Jessica’s body, waiting for her to turn. After being attacked at Merlotte’s, Sookie once again has Sam stay with her for protection and the two start growing much closer in Bill’s absence. Jason helps Amy clean up the mess Eddie’s death left behind and demands that she get rid of every drop of V-juice in the house. The next morning, Sookie searches for the young woman she saw in her vision. With Sam’s help, Sookie tracks the woman (named Cindy) down to a pie store. They learn from one of the patrons that Cindy was a fangbanger and that her brother, Drew Marshall, disappeared shortly after her death under suspicious circumstances. Jason confides in Rene and Hoyt about Amy’s V-juice habit. Sam and Sookie persuade a difficult police officer to give them information on Drew Marshall, and he promises to fax a photo through to the Bon Temps police station. After seeing his state senator friend on television campaigning against vampire and homosexual rights, Lafayette confronts him about his lies. Amy cooks Jason a nice meal and the two make up. On the way home, Sookie confides in Sam that she thinks she is in love with Bill, but expresses doubt over his loyalties to his fellow vampires. Jason and Amy decide to do V together one last time and while they are passed out, the killer sneaks into their bedroom and strangles Amy to death. Meanwhile, Jessica awakens and crawls out of the ground. Bill tries to impart his wisdom about being vampire, but she turns out to be a disobedient, overly-excited pain in the neck. Lettie Mae refuses to bail Tara out of prison because she is a danger to her soul. They leave on bad terms. Jason wakes up to find Amy dead and calls the police. Bill, needing to get back to Sookie, leaves Jessica with Eric. Tara is bailed out of prison by a woman named Maryanne Forrester, who takes Tara into her lavish home. At Sookie’s house, she and Sam wind up sharing a kiss just as Bill walks in and he attacks Sam. Seeing Bill’s vicious side, Sookie rescinds his invitation into her house and slams the door on him. Jason is taken into police custody, saying he doesn’t want anyone else to get hurt. A gossipy and distracted secretary is on the phone, and doesn’t notice the fax of Drew Marshall’s photo before burying it under a pile of paperwork. It is Rene.
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Watch True Blood: Season 1, Episode 10

"I Don't Wanna Know"

Sookie jumps out of bed and races into the bathroom, screaming that Sam is the murderer. He follows her and confesses to being a shapeshifter, even shifting into the dog and back right in front of her. Later, he and Sookie discuss their situation and, after Sookie asks him how many more supernatural creatures there are in the world, he says that there is more than she could imagine. Sookie storms off, angry about having been lied to. Tara goes back to Miss Jeanette to get her exorcism, during which she is fed a strange solution which makes her hallucinate a young version of herself, which represents all the negative feelings Tara is trying to exorcise. Tara kills the hallucination and Miss Jeanette comforts her, telling Tara that it is over. Amy discovers Jason’s deception, but decides to forgive him, even going so far as to say they should start treating Eddie more like a member of their family. Tara returns home to share the good news with her mother, but Tara’s celebration is short-lived when she discovers that Miss Jeanette is a fraud who who fed Tara and her mother ipecac and peyote. Tara decides to hide the truth from her mother. Lafayette is paid a visit by the state senator seen in Mine. He is looking for V, but Lafayette has something more physical for him. Sam reminisces about the first time he ever shapeshifted as a teenager and ran away from home. When he returned, his adoptive parents had packed up their things and left. That night, there is an engagement party at Merlotte’s for Arlene and Rene and almost the whole town turns out, but Sookie is lonely there without Bill, who has been taken before a vampire tribunal, where a ruthless Magister deals out justice. Tara has too much to drink, fights with Sam and storms off. On the road, she swerves to avoid a naked woman walking a large pig and ends up being arrested. Andy gets closer to the truth about Sam, Sookie has a vision of a young woman being murdered and the killer suddenly strikes at her, but she manages to escape his clutches. Lafayette learns that Jason did something to Eddie and lashes out at him for being reckless. He and Amy return home arguing about Eddie. Jason wants to free him, but Amy is scared of him and of losing Jason, so she stakes Eddie right in front of Jason. The Magister hands down a creative punishment for Bill: he must turn a young teenager named Jessica into a vampire. And although Bill pleads with the Magister, the sentence is handed down and the episode ends with Bill feeding on her.
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Watch True Blood: Season 1, Episode 9

"Plaisir d'Amour"

Longshadow reaches for Sookie’s neck and is about to bite, when Bill stakes him from behind, spraying Sookie with blood. Eric warns Bill that there will be consequences for killing a fellow vampire to save a human. Jason is clearly distressed about having kidnapped the vampire Eddie, but he and Amy take him back to Jason’s house and chain him up in the basement anyway. The two immediately start using Eddie’s blood to get high. Meanwhile, Tara is not entirely convinced she needs to have her demon exorcised. Miss Jeanette gives her a test: look at herself in the mirror and if she can count backwards to ten, she’s wrong. Tara later tries it, but is interrupted by her mother. Tara later confesses to Sam that she might need an exorcism and he offers to pay for it. Sookie and Bill return from Fangtasia to discover that Sookie’s cat has been murdered. At Merlotte’s the next day, Sookie snaps at Andy for not having found the killer that is after her and Sookie finds some comfort in Amy, and the two start to bond. At home, Jason shows a small kindness to Eddie and the two get to talking about Eddie’s past as a human and why he wanted to be a vampire. Eric, Pam and Chow, Longshadow’s replacement, drop in on Bill and inform him that he must go before a vampire tribunal to be tried for his actions. The four of them drop by Merlotte’s, where Bill asks Sam to watch over Sookie in his absence. Eric delivers a stern warning to the patrons of Merlotte’s about becoming too comfortable around vampires. A warning delivered pointedly to Chuck, Wayne and Royce. After a tearful goodbye, Bill and Sookie part ways. Distraught, Sookie and Tara reconcile their broken friendship. But it seems short-lived when Sookie walks in on Sam and Tara making out, and runs out. A few minutes later, Sam goes after her, but is intercepted by Andy, who confronts him about lying about the naturist colony. Sam disappears into the bar, and a border collie runs out straight past Andy. Sookie goes to Bill’s house, and the dog shows up there. Sookie decides to keep him with her, and names him Dean. Against Amy’s wishes, Jason takes some TruBlood to Eddie. Sookie insists that Dean sleep on the bed with her, and she falls asleep. She stirs in the middle of the night and finds at the foot of the bed, not a dog but Sam, completely naked.
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Watch True Blood: Season 1, Episode 8

"The Fourth Man in the Fire"

Sookie spends the morning helpless and worried, thinking that Bill was killed in the fire, while Jason wakes up with Amy, thinking they had sex, but it turns out that they were simply having an extraordinary V-trip. The two continue to grow closer when Jason opens up to her about his parent’s tragic deaths years earlier. Tara is amazed at Lettie Mae’s seemingly instantaneous recovery and she has a huge fight with Sookie about her relationship with Bill. That night, Sookie takes flowers to Bill’s grave and cries. As she is walking back, a creature rises out of the dirt and attacks her. Sookie screams and tries to fight, until she realizes that it is Bill and the two have sex furiously in the dirt. The next day, Jason introduces Amy to everyone at Merlotte’s and Amy winds up being hired as the new waitress, while Sookie tries to warn her about Jason’s tom-catting ways and Amy suggests Sookie not be so quick to judge him. Tara lashes out at her mother born-again Christianity and, after sleeping with Sam again, snaps at him for being a racist. Sookie and Bill babysit Arlene’s kids and, while pretending to have a flat tire, Rene proposes to Arlene, who accepts. Mike Spencer, the coroner, identifies the fourth body in the fire as Neil, his assistant who was secretly a vampire roadie, called a “fang banger”. Sam is interrogated by Bud and Andy, who ask him some questions about the fire. Andy has some questions about why he saw Sam running through the woods naked and Sam tells him that he comes from a family of naturists and grew up in a colony and he goes running naked through the woods once a year to honor them. But Andy later checks it out, and finds out that Sam was lying about having grown up in a naturist colony. After talking with Lafayette about her mother, Tara starts thinking that she may need an exorcism of her own. Jason sees Amy’s darker side when she reveals that she needs more V, but Lafayette won’t sell it to him anymore. They decide to follow him that night and discover that he gets his V-juice from a gay vampire named Eddie, in return for sexual favors. Bill returns home to find Eric in his bathtub and he says that he needs Sookie to do some work for him. Tara goes to Miss Jeanette to get her exorcism. After Lafayette leaves, Jason and Amy kidnap Eddie and shove him into Jason’s truck. Sookie reluctantly goes to Fangtasia, where Eric needs her to use her telepathy to find which of his employees has embezzled sixty thousand dollars. Sookie agrees, but only if they hand the culprit over to the police. She learns that a woman named Ginger knows the money was taken, but her memory has been wiped of the name, which means a vampire must have stolen the money. At that moment, Longshadow leaps across the bar, fangs bared and attacks Sookie.
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Watch True Blood: Season 1, Episode 7

"Burning House of Love"

After taking Sookie’s blood and her virginity, Bill and Sookie soak in a warm bath. She feels comfortable enough to reveal a very dark secret. When she was a young girl, she was molested by her uncle Bartlett and she fails to notice the hateful, frightening look on Bill’s face. A desperate Jason tries to score more V from Lafayette, who throws him out saying he will not sell anymore to someone as irresponsible as Jason. He goes to Sookie’s house and tries to take some of Adele’s old silver to sell, but Sookie stops him. Tara attempts to smooth things over with Sam, and is interrupted by a call from a bank, where Lettie Mae is making a scene, accusing a loan officer of being a bigot for not giving her a loan for her exorcism. Tara drags Lettie Mae away, but not before she offers to have sex with the loan officer in exchange for the money. After this, Tara agrees to pay for Lettie Mae’s treatment. Jason winds up at Fangtasia, desperate for V, and foolishly attempts to buy from the vampire bartender, Longshadow. A young woman named Amy Burley overhears and, pretending to be his girlfriend, gets Jason out of danger with a promise of V. Tara and Lettie Mae go into the woods to a woman named Miss Jeanette, a witch doctor who lives in a rundown bus and, after handing over nearly five hundred bucks, Lettie Mae gets her exorcism. Just as they are leaving, Miss Jeanette tells Tara that she has a demon too, a worse one than her mother and that if she ever wants to lead a happy life, she must have it exorcised. Tara laughs this off and they leave. At Merlotte’s, Sookie’s mood gives the previous night’s events away and both Sam and Arlene are very judgemental of Sookie’s decision to sleep with Bill and let him feed. Sookie tells everyone in the bar to mind their own business. In the dead of night, Bill hunts down uncle Bartlett, murders him and dumps his body in the river. Merlotte’s is crashed by Malcolm, Diane and Liam who menace the patrons of Merlotte’s but Bill shows up in time to stop them from hurting anyone, but only if he goes with them and stops messing around with humans. Bill agrees, leaving Sookie heartbroken. Amy and Jason wind up at his place, do V and wind up in bed together. Chuck, Wayne and Royce, furious at the trio of vampires, plot to kill them. Sookie tries to get Sam to intervene, but he refuses to get involved and, at the break of dawn, the three rednecks set fire to the house in which Malcolm, Diane and Liam are residing. Sookie searches Bill’s house, hoping to find him, but she does not. Getting desperate, she races to the vampire trio’s house, but arrives to find rescue workers pulling four burnt coffins out of the charred remains of the house.
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Watch True Blood: Season 1, Episode 6

"Cold Ground"

Sam and Bill, both very protective and territorial, promise to watch over Sookie, who refuses to leave the house her grandmother and she shared. As soon as Mike Spencer has Adele’s body removed, Sookie is in the kitchen scrubbing up her Gran’s blood. Andy and Bud discuss the case and although Andy regrets releasing Jason Stackhouse, Bud doubts he could murder his own grandmother. The next day, Sookie holds a wake for Adele in the house, which is full of nosy townspeople. Sookie loses it when Maxine Fortenberry attempts to make room in the fridge by moving the last pie Adele made before she was killed. Tara and Lafayette take Sookie upstairs and tell her not to worry about entertaining the people downstairs and to just feel whatever she’s feeling. Sookie confesses that she doesn’t think she is feeling anything at all. Jason, oblivious to his Gran’s death, shows up at work stoned on V and learns the news from Hoyt and Rene. He races over to the wake, storms into Sookie’s room and smacks her square on the face, screaming that it was her fault. Tara pushes Jason out, telling him she doesn’t even know who he is anymore. Tara tries to comfort her, but the damage is already done. Outside, Andy confronts Jason and practically accuses him of murdering Adele and Jason shoves Andy down as though he weighed nothing. Gran’s funeral the following day is more or less a disaster. Jason invites his and Sookie’s estranged uncle Bartlett, which aggravates Sookie. Tara’s mother Lettie Mae shows up and makes a speech about a woman she barely knew, Jason continues to struggle with his V-juice addiction and Sookie makes a fool of herself when she cannot block out the townspeople’s thoughts and tells them all to “shut the fuck up!” When the funeral is over, Lettie Mae approaches Tara and tells her that she has a demon inside of her that makes her drink and she needs money for an exorcism. Tara thinks this is ridiculous and storms off. Sam takes Sookie home and she tells him that she wants to be alone, but Sam doesn’t and neither does Tara. Finally alone, Sookie takes the pie out of the fridge and finally lets out her grief as she eats it, sobbing over every bite. Tara takes Sam back to her hotel room and they have sex. Afterwards, Tara starts to feel conflicted about her mother’s problem and leaves Sam alone in the room. Sookie races to Bill’s house, Bill hears her footsteps and sweeps her up. In Bill’s house, they strip naked and Bill’s fangs extend. Sookie tells him she wants him to do it, and Bill buries his teeth into her neck and starts to drink.
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Watch True Blood: Season 1, Episode 5

"Sparks Fly Out"

Bill’s car arrives outside Sookie’s house, and the two have an argument about their encounter with the police officer and Bill confesses that, had she not been there, he would have fed on the officer. Bill promises to never call her again and leaves. Sookie asks her gran about her problem and Adele suggests that she not be afraid or suspicious of him just because he is different. Tara is furious at Lafayette for selling V-juice to Jason and makes him promise to apologize. When Jason stops by, however, Lafayette convinces him to give vamp blood another try and instructs him on how to take it properly. At Merlotte’s, Sam seizes his opportunity with Sookie and asks her to go with him to the Descendents of the Glorious Dead meeting and she agrees. Her suspicions about Tara and her brother are also raised when she learns that Tara lied to the police in order to give Jason an alibi for Dawn’s murder. That night at the D.O.G.D. meeting, a large crowd has gathered at the church to hear Bill’s speech. Among them are three rednecks named Chuck, Wayne and Royce, who are stirring up some trouble. Adele introduces Bill and he recounts the story about the loss of his friend Tolliver Humphries during the Civil War. The Mayor of Bon Temps presents Bill with a photograph of his long-lost wife and children, which stirs powerful emotions in Bill. After the meeting, Sookie and Sam go out for coffee. Everything is going well until the conversation turns to vampires and Sam insists that Bill is dangerous, no matter how she feels about him. At Merlotte’s, the trio of rednecks continue to stir up trouble when Royce sends back a burger, saying it has AIDS. This causes Lafayette to fly into a rage and slams the burger in the boy’s face. Jason, Rene and Hoyt are dining not far away and Hoyt fails to pick up a girl named Randi Sue. A very-stoned Jason professes his deep love for Tara, who is smart enough to wait until he is sober for this conversation. Bill is paid a visit at his house by Sheriff Bud Dearborne and Andy, who question him about the murders. Bill insists that no vampire could resist a body full of human blood, and since the victims were not exsanguinated, the murderer could not be a vampire. After they leave, Bill remembers how he was turned into a vampire by a woman named Lorena as he was making his way home to his family. She allows him to see them one last time from a distance, but assures him that his old life is over. Tara catches Jason having sex with Randi Sue in the alley behind Merlotte’s, which infuriates her. Sookie takes a cab home from her dismal date with Sam and finds her gran lying on the kitchen floor, dead and in a pool of her own blood.
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Watch True Blood: Season 1, Episode 4

"Escape from Dragon House"

As Sookie screams for help, Jason shows up with a bouquet of flowers. Dawn’s neighbor answers Sookie’s calls and, upon seeing Dawn’s body, accuses Jason of killing her and he storms off. Later, a large crowd of police and onlookers has gathered, including Arlene Fowler, another Merlotte’s waitress, her boyfriend Rene Lenier and Hoyt Fortenberry, both of whom work on Jason’s roadworks crew. Sam, who owns the block of houses, shows up to comfort Sookie just before Mike Spencer, the county coroner, and his assistant Neil bring Dawn’s body out. Andy Bellefleur takes Jason in for questioning again and Jason, remembering that he has a vial of illegal vampire blood on him, swallows the whole thing. Halfway through his questioning, the overdose of “V-juice” gives Jason a severe case of priapism. He is rescued from the cops by Tara and, after she takes him home, Jason tries to rid himself of his erection, but nothing will work. Adele asks Sookie to read the townspeople’s thoughts in order to find any evidence that will clear her brother’s name. Desperate for relief, Jason goes to Merlotte’s to see Lafayette, who cannot help him. After deducing Jason’s use of V-juice, Tara insists on taking him to the hospital. In order to help in Sookie’s investigation, Bill agrees to take her to a vampire bar in Shreveport named Fangtasia. Sam warns Sookie of the dangers of hanging around in such places, but she ignores them and goes anyway. When they arrive at Fangtasia, Bill and Sookie are admitted by an old vampire acquaintance of Bill’s, Pam. Sookie describes the bar as it would be like if it was a ride at Disneyworld. At the hospital, Jason lies to the doctor about taking any drugs and, not wanting to risk a drug reaction, the doctor uses a large syringe to drain the blood out of Jason’s penis without anesthesia. On the ride home, Jason sleeps and Tara reminisces about their childhood together, when Jason would protect her from her mother’s drunken violence. It seems that Tara is in love with Jason. At Fangtasia, Bill and Sookie are summoned by Eric Northman, a thousand-year-old Viking vampire and owner of the bar. Sookie shows him pictures of Maudette and Dawn and Eric reveals that he slept with Dawn, but rejected Maudette. Sookie senses that a human is being fed on in the bathroom just before a police raid on Fangtasia, and she, Bill, Pam and Eric manage to escape just in time. On their way back to Bon Temps, Bill is pulled over by a police officer and the situation gets out of hand when Bill glamours the officer. Sookie is afraid Bill is going to kill him, but instead he simply drives off after warning the officer to be careful the next time he pulls someone over on suspicion of being a vampire. The episode ends with Sam letting himself into Dawn’s old house and rolling around in her sheets, sniffing and writhing as though in sexual ecstacy.
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Watch True Blood: Season 1, Episode 3


In order to save Sookie from Malcolm, Diane and Liam, who are about to feed on her, Bill claims Sookie as his human, declaring “Sookie is mine.” With Sookie safe, for the time being at least, Malcolm offers to let Bill feed on Jerry, a young human the trio carry around with them as a toy. Bill is about to feed, but Sookie looks into Jerry’s mind and sees that he has Hepatitis D, an infection that only infects vampires. Now robbed at his chance at revenge for the loss of his boyfriend to vampire blood addiction, Jerry attacks Sookie but Bill stops him and knocks him out. Diane wants to know how Sookie knew about Jerry’s intentions, but Bill manages to get the group out the door before they can ask any more questions. The incident leaves Sookie shaken and with doubts about her relationship with Bill. At Merlotte’s, Sam and Tara close up for the night and share a few drinks. They talk about being lonely and come to an arrangement, whereby they have sex just this one time. Dawn returns home and her little game with Jason quickly turns into more rough sex. However, knowing that Dawn has been with vampires causes Jason to lose his erection and the two have an argument about sex with vampires, which results in Dawn threatening Jason with a gun and throwing him out of her house, all of which is witnessed by Dawn’s neighbor. Bill pays a visit to Malcolm, Diane and Liam and tells them to leave Sookie alone. They criticize him for his mainstreaming and suggest that the Great Revelation was not a good idea. Tara returns home and is attacked by her alcoholic mother Lettie Mae, who calls her a whore and scares Tara out of the house. She drops in on Lafayette, just as a state senator is leaving his “appointment” and asks for a place to stay. Sookie has a dream in which Bill takes her virginity and, after a discussion with Adele, decides that she should give Bill another chance. Jason goes to Lafayette’s house to get some Viagra, but ends up with a vial of vampire blood, which Lafayette instructs him only to take one or two drops of at a time. To get it, Jason has to dance on camera for Lafayette’s website and Tara gets a much appreciated view of Jason’s performance. Sam asks Sookie to swing by Dawn’s house as she did not show up for work. Sookie obliges and finds Dawn’s dead body sprawled out on her bed.
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Watch True Blood: Season 1, Episode 2

"The First Taste"

The Rattrays are brutally beating Sookie as she bleeds on the ground. They are about to kill her when Bill suddenly intervenes. He kills both Rattrays and takes Sookie to the edge of a lake, where he offers her some of his vampire blood, which has special properties that allow her to completely heal instantly. Sookie asks him about being a guest speaker at her grandmother’s next meeting and he agrees to that and to call in on her at her house the next evening to meet her family. Meanwhile, Jason is shown a videotape of him with Maudette and it turns out that Jason thought he had choked her to death during sex, but that she was only fooling around with him. Sheriff Dearborne and Detective Bellefleur aren’t entirely convinced Jason didn’t kill Maudette, but he is eventually released. Tara returns home from work to find her alcoholic mother passed out on the couch and she asks her flamboyant cousin Lafayette, who is also the Merlotte’s cook, to take her to a party. He agrees. Jason meets up with an old flame and another Merlotte’s waitress, Dawn and the two spend the night together. The next morning, he discovers vampire bite marks on her neck. Sookie learns that the police found the Rattrays’ bodies in the wreckage of their trailer and have ruled that they were killed by a freak tornado. Sookie also notices throughout the day that her sense of smell and taste have been enhanced by Bill’s blood. That night Bill meets with Adele, Jason and Tara at Sookie’s house. He takes her for a starlit walk and they share their first kiss. The next day Dawn heads for work, leaving Jason tied up on her bed. At Merlotte’s, Sookie learns that Reverend Theodore Newlin, founder of the anti-vampire church the Fellowship of the Sun, along with his wife and daughter were killed in an accident. Questioning just how far vampires are willing to go, she races to Bill’s house to ask him about the incident where she is set upon by three strange vampires, including the bald-headed man seen in Maudette’s sex tape.
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Watch True Blood: Season 1, Episode 1

"Strange Love"

It has been two years since the invention of the synthetic plasma TruBlood that has allowed vampires to make their presence known to mankind. In the small town of Bon Temps, Louisiana, 25-year-old waitress Sookie Stackhouse struggles with being telepathic and not being able to control hearing the thoughts of everyone she sees. That is until 173-year-old vampire Bill Compton walks into Merlotte's bar where Sookie works. She is immediately drawn to him, and so are Mac and Denise Rattray, a couple of local thugs who later attack Bill with silver and try to drain his blood so that they can sell it on the black market. But Sookie rescues him and drives the Rattrays away, after which she learns that not only is Bill equally interested in her, but that she cannot read his thoughts as his brain is technically dead.

Meanwhile, Sookie’s hard-talking best friend Tara Thornton is fired from her job when she mouths off to her boss and a customer and Sam Merlotte hires her as the new bartender.

Meanwhile, Sookie’s brother Jason Stackhouse has a sexual interlude with a young woman named Maudette Pickens, who enjoys rough sex with vampires. She shows Jason a videotape of her with a bald-headed, tattooed vampire and later she videotapes them having rough sex. The next day, Jason is arrested by Sheriff Bud Dearborne and Detective Andy Bellefleur for murder of Maudette, who was killed the night before. Sookie’s grandmother Adele asks if Sookie thinks she can get the vampire Bill to speak at her Descendants of the Glorious Dead meeting. And at Merlotte’s that night, Bill agrees to meet her in the parking lot after work to discuss the favor. Sookie gets into a heated argument with Sam and Tara, who believe that getting involved with a vampire could be very dangerous and Sookie tells them both to stay out of her life. After work Sookie and Sam make amends with one another and alone in the parking lot, Sookie is suddenly and savagely attacked by the Rattrays, out for revenge.
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True Blood TV Series Cast: Rutina Wesley

Rutina Wesley is an American film, stage, and television actress best known for her role as Tara Thornton on the HBO hit series True Blood.

In December 2006, Wesley starred in David Hare's Broadway play The Vertical Hour, directed by Sam Mendes, alongside Julianne Moore and Bill Nighy. In 2007 Wesley also appeared in The Public Theatre production of In Darfur by playwright Winter Miller, co-starring Heather Raffo, Aaron Lohr among others.

Wesley had a minor role in 2005 film Hitch, which was edited in the final cut. However, she made her on screen debut in the lead role in 2007 film How She Move, from British director Ian Iqbal Rashid. The character Raya Green, who enters a step dancing competition to secure funds for her education, was inspired from Tony Manero, portrayed by John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. Prior to the shooting of the film, Wesley underwent a five-week dance rehearsal period. Portraying a woman of Jamaican descent, she also took dialect coaching for the role. Wesley auditioned for the role Tara Thornton in the HBO series True Blood in 2007 and secured the part after creator Alan Ball chose her because "[she] was the first person who showed [Tara's] vulnerable side".
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True Blood TV Series Cast: Ryan Kwanten

Ryan Kwanten (born 28 November 1976) is an Australian actor. He played Vinnie Patterson from 1997 to 2002 on the Australian soap-opera Home and Away. After his stint ended he joined the American teen-oriented drama Summerland portraying Jay Robertson. In 2008, he was cast as Jason Stackhouse in True Blood.

Kwanten began acting on the television shows A Country Practice and Spellbinder. In 1997, he joined the cast of the Australian soap opera Home and Away, playing lifeguard Vinnie Patterson. He eventually chose to leave the series in 2002, shortly after his character married and became a father. Moving to the United States, Kwanten was cast as Jay Robertson in the Lori Loughlin-starring series Summerland, which ran from 2004 to 2005. He appeared in the films Flicka, with Maria Bello, Alison Lohman and Tim McGraw, and Dead Silence, a horror movie in which he played the leading role.

Kwanten made an appearance in a Law and Order: SVU episode that aired on 2 December 2008, in which he portrays US Marine Corps Master Sergeant Dominic Pruitt who is (falsely) accused of raping and murdering a fellow marine and murdering her unborn baby.

In 2009, he starred in the film Don't Fade Away with Mischa Barton and Beau Bridges.

Kwanten currently plays the role of Jason Stackhouse in True Blood, an HBO television series based on Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampire Mysteries. He was nominated for a 2009 Scream Award for his role as Jason Stackhouse. He stars in the psychological thriller Red Hill, which was directed by Patrick Hughes. Kwanten earned one of the lead role in the Joe Lynch Horror film The Knights of Badassdom.
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True Blood TV Series Cast: Sam Trammell

Sam Trammell (born May 15, 1971) is an American stage, film and television actor. He is best known for his role as Sam Merlotte in the HBO vampire series, True Blood, which saw him nominated for a 2009 Scream Award for "Breakout Performance - Male."

Sam Trammell has worked in theater, on-Broadway, off-Broadway, film and television. He is an accomplished New York stage actor whose credits include a Tony nominated performance in "Ah, Wilderness!" at Lincoln Center. Off-Broadway, he starred in "Dealer's Choice (play)", "My Night With Reg", "If Memory Serves", "Ancestral Voices", and most recently, "Kit Marlowe" at the Joseph Papp Public Theater, where he received outstanding reviews. Trammell's big break came when he landed the role of "Sam Merlotte" on HBO series True Blood.
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