
Watch True Blood: Season 1, Episode 8

"The Fourth Man in the Fire"

Sookie spends the morning helpless and worried, thinking that Bill was killed in the fire, while Jason wakes up with Amy, thinking they had sex, but it turns out that they were simply having an extraordinary V-trip. The two continue to grow closer when Jason opens up to her about his parent’s tragic deaths years earlier. Tara is amazed at Lettie Mae’s seemingly instantaneous recovery and she has a huge fight with Sookie about her relationship with Bill. That night, Sookie takes flowers to Bill’s grave and cries. As she is walking back, a creature rises out of the dirt and attacks her. Sookie screams and tries to fight, until she realizes that it is Bill and the two have sex furiously in the dirt. The next day, Jason introduces Amy to everyone at Merlotte’s and Amy winds up being hired as the new waitress, while Sookie tries to warn her about Jason’s tom-catting ways and Amy suggests Sookie not be so quick to judge him. Tara lashes out at her mother born-again Christianity and, after sleeping with Sam again, snaps at him for being a racist. Sookie and Bill babysit Arlene’s kids and, while pretending to have a flat tire, Rene proposes to Arlene, who accepts. Mike Spencer, the coroner, identifies the fourth body in the fire as Neil, his assistant who was secretly a vampire roadie, called a “fang banger”. Sam is interrogated by Bud and Andy, who ask him some questions about the fire. Andy has some questions about why he saw Sam running through the woods naked and Sam tells him that he comes from a family of naturists and grew up in a colony and he goes running naked through the woods once a year to honor them. But Andy later checks it out, and finds out that Sam was lying about having grown up in a naturist colony. After talking with Lafayette about her mother, Tara starts thinking that she may need an exorcism of her own. Jason sees Amy’s darker side when she reveals that she needs more V, but Lafayette won’t sell it to him anymore. They decide to follow him that night and discover that he gets his V-juice from a gay vampire named Eddie, in return for sexual favors. Bill returns home to find Eric in his bathtub and he says that he needs Sookie to do some work for him. Tara goes to Miss Jeanette to get her exorcism. After Lafayette leaves, Jason and Amy kidnap Eddie and shove him into Jason’s truck. Sookie reluctantly goes to Fangtasia, where Eric needs her to use her telepathy to find which of his employees has embezzled sixty thousand dollars. Sookie agrees, but only if they hand the culprit over to the police. She learns that a woman named Ginger knows the money was taken, but her memory has been wiped of the name, which means a vampire must have stolen the money. At that moment, Longshadow leaps across the bar, fangs bared and attacks Sookie.


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